Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ode to Basmanti Rice

Even though I am fanatical about baking with whole grain products, I have to admit that I love and often use basmanti rice instead of brown rice. Not that I don't like the nutty flavour of brown rice.
In my teenage years the micro macro diet was popular and they said that brown rice was the most perfect food with the perfect balance between micro and macro. I cannot remember what micro and macro were but I think something to do with acid foods and basic foods maybe. They reccommended a diet of just brown rice to cleanse your system. I never did that, but I did during college suddenly go on a diet of only cooked oatmeal. It was the only thing I felt like eating for 9 days. I would eat cooked oatmeal three times a day. On the ninth day I woke up feeling tired and unenergetic and realized I better start eating some protein quick.
Back to basmanti rice. This is the perfect rice for chinese wok dishes (more about that later) and altogether a tasty, perfect rice.
Put 2 t. curry powder in the water with your basmanti rice.
Eat the curry rice with a large salad and a piece of lean chicken or turkey.
Cook basmanti rice with curry powder.
Sauté some frozen peas in a little oil
Mix in basmanti rice and chunks of ham or chicken nuggets or meatballs.
This makes a colorful and delicious meal. Serve with salad.
Mix together:
1 egg
1 t. garlic salt
1 t. pabrika
2 T. maizena
add: 1 lb lean ground beef
form into small meatballs and fry.

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